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Having a Emergency Kit is one of the most important things you can do to prepare yourself for injuries and illness. While this should never replace the evaluation and treatment by an experienced vet, it may help you stabilize your baby until you can get to one.
This kit has a lot of the basic necessities of any good ER bag, and still have room left to add in other item you want. There's even an extra pocket on the front to put your veterinarian business card(s) in for quick access.
A list of the included items is on the backside of the adorable sugar glider in a wheel chair picture, as well as a few extras. Be sure to perform periodic check the contents and replace expired or used items as needed.
*Note: prepackaged item are generally fine past the expiration date (up to a year) if the package has not been compromised in any way (opened or punctured).
If you have any questions, please feel free to message me.